A termite king is the reproductive male in a colony of termites. The termite king’s role is to mate with the queen and produce offspring. The king and queen are the only reproductive members of the colony, and they are usually larger and longer-lived than the other members. The king and queen are also the only members of the colony that have fully developed wings.
What is the difference between a termite king and a reproductive termite?
A termite king and a termite reproductive are both reproductive members of a termite colony, but they have different roles.
A termite king is the male reproductive member of the colony. His role is to mate with the queen and produce offspring. The king is usually larger and longer-lived than the other members of the colony. The king also has fully developed wings.
A reproductive is a member of the colony that can reproduce. This includes both the male and female reproductives. The reproductive members are usually larger and longer-lived than the other members of the colony. The reproductive members also have fully developed wings.
In summary, the termite king is the male reproductive member, while the termite reproductive includes both the male and female reproductives.
What is the lifespan of a termite king?
The lifespan of a termite king can vary depending on the species of termite. For example, in the species Reticulitermes speratus, the average lifespan of a king is about 8 years. In the species Coptotermes formosanus, the king can live up to 15 years. Some species of termite king live even longer, up to 20 years. In general, termite kings tend to live longer than otherer members of the colony.